Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Why are so many LGBTQ Hindus pro-Trump?


Does anyone remember back in 2012 when the United Nations was unable to pass resolutions against the murder and persecution of LGBTQs worldwide because the 57-nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) walked out of the talks and Pakistan described homosexuality as “licentious behaviour”? Does anyone remember how classes on LGBTQ history were canceled in a Birmingham England school because the Muslim community protested? Does anyone remember when the BBC canceled its "Free Speach" debate about gay Muslims when the Mosque in which it was to be held opposed? Does anyone remember how Hillary Clinton was against gay marriage until it became statistically popular, then she became pro-gay marriage? Did you as an LGBTQ Hindu or a friend of LGBTQ Hindus notice how silent the Left was and is about this Islamic and Leftist homophobia? What if there was an Organization of Christian Cooperation who opposed LGBTQ rights in the United Nations? What if there was an Organization of Hindu Cooperation who opposed LGBTQ rights in the United Nations? Would the Left remain silent? No! At least those elements of the Right who are opposed to gay marriage (and not all of them are, increasingly more aren't) are principled enough to stand by their beliefs even when and if gay marriage becomes popular... they are not hypocrites who go where the wind blows when it comes to LGBTQs.

The fact of the matter is that many many LGBTQ Hindus see how silent the Left is when it comes to Islamic atrocities against LGBTQs, such as routinely throwing them off buildings, when they are not silent about homophobia in Christianity and when it does appear, inside Hindutva. In India there is the term "pseudo-secular", this is meant to call our the Leftist practice of being selective as to where they place their criticism when it comes to issues like LGBTQ rights and respect for women. If they see it in Hindutva or in Christianity in the West, they attack, but Islam ALWAYS gets a free pass. Why is this? Because Islam is too barbaric and backward to be a full world power, yet, and so they are weaker than more progressive nations and so the Left likes to use them as "victims". If you can't rise to the top because your society abuses minorities and shuns secularism, then no matter what you do, no matter how cruel and evil you are, the Left is there to champion you on the world stage. 

In the West, among the White Left, this is because White Leftists have not experienced Islamic persecution and atrocities, their issue has been more with Christianity. Because they have been at odds with Christianity, it is ok for world Leftism to be anti-Christian, but because the White Left has not experienced Islamic persecution on LGBTQ grounds, then it is not ok to criticize Islam for this. Rest assured, if White Leftists had been harassed by Islam then yes, anti-Islam would be a popular thing. It is not the White Left's friends who are being hunted and killed, it is Brown people... Brown on Brown violence does not count as much in their eyes, only White on White social conflict matters. Brown Hindus are supposed to be against the White Conservatives who are the enemy of the Left, but White Leftists are not supposed to be the enemies of Brown Muslims who persecute liberal Hindus. The Brown Left is not anti-Islam simply because they are copying the White Left who remain the true leaders of the Leftist global movement. Brown Leftists are auto-racist, they won't defend their own race from LGBTQ attacks because the White Left doesn't... and they are also racist because of their lowered expectations for their own race... only Whites are expected to be evolved, Brown Muslims are never expected to grow on the LGBTQ issue. 

Does anyone remember when Trump made the move to decriminalize homosexuality worldwide, and how the Left attacked him for this, making the absurd accusation than while Islamic nations are busy killing gays, the decriminalization was a form of homophobia because it did not YET take the full step of making gay marriage legal? And didn't the Left take its time in getting to legalizing gay marriage? Didn't the Left move piecemeal in liberation LGBTQs? And so why can't the right? Trump was the first President ever to make such a move, and it resonated with LGBTQs worldwide, because for the first time ever, the USA held Islamic nations accountable for their institutionalized homophobia. There is a changing attitude on the Right, and more and more LGBTQs and LGBTQ Hindus especially are jumping ship. 

As for the White and Brown Left's hypocritical attacks on Hindutva for homophobia, they forget to mention that it was not Hindu culture which criminalized homosexuality in India, it was the colonial powers. Prior to Islamic invasion and colonialism, the Hindu culture was not anti-homosexual and was more than tolerant. There is an entire god and religious movement in Hinduism just for transgenders, the cult of Iravan / Aravan, who is worshiped by his transvestite brides. It is outside cultures which have brought homophobia to India, it is not endemic. Rather than attack the root cause of this problem, the Left rather attacks the effect. The RSS (a Hinduish volunteer organization in India) at first came out against homosexuality, but then because of its recognition of the tolerance of Hindu culture, reversed the stance and accepted homosexuality. Hindus are willing to change, but Islam is not. Did the Left highlight the progress of Hindutva? No, they only criticized Hindutva for not moving fast enough, while Islam was not asked to move at all. Hindutva and Hindus are ready to open their eyes to their real culture, but Islam's real culture is anti-homosexual, and always will be. 

The Left does not get to tell LGBTQs and LGBTQ Hindus what they fear more, the eroding homophobia in the right or the Left-Islamic alliance with its Orwellian silence on Islamic homophobia. Isn't it disgusting how Leftist ware those Che Guevara t-shirts, even though he put gays in concentration camps? What if he had done that to Muslims? The Left would never be wearing those shirts. The Left has already proven than in their quest for social destruction they are willing to sacrifice gays, they would allow the Islamization of Western culture, they would allow gays to be persecuted again, as long as their final agenda was met, which is no longer even really social liberalism but tolerance of Islamic homophobia. Guess what, LGBTQs are starting to rather take their chances with the Right who are willing to evolve on this issue then with the Islamo-Left who are creeping into social homophobia by selectively not criticizing Islam for its bigotry and murder of LGBTQs.

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Leftist fake "Hindu" American Foundation pushes Kamala using race politics, again



If you have not heard of the Hindu American Foundation, stay away and spread the word they are not Hindu but Leftist traitors. They have been around for more than a decade and push themselves into everything, hogging up the limelight with their ill-gotten Democratic connections on Capital Hill. They try to claim themselves as the largest "Hindu" advocacy group in the USA even though they are universally hated by half of the Hindu community, particularly the substantial right-wing.

We have reported on HAF on this blog before and their anti-Republican, anti-White rhetoric. Back in 2018 HAF attacked a local Fort Bend Texas Republican advocacy group for putting up an ad that featured Ganesh with interpretation of his symbolism, but they presumed to attack the ad for all Hindu because it begged the question “would you worship a donkey or an elephant? The choice is yours.” HAF said the ad was offensive but it really wasn't. First, yes, some Hindus do worship animals, and what of it HAF? They were just trying to look more Western than Westerners. The ad was run in the Indian Herold and the staff had viewed and approved the ad beforehand. All of the complaints came from Democrat Indians who had an agenda. 

During the 2016 election, HAF put up a racist anti-White article called "The Racialization of Religion Began Long Before Today’s Islamophobia" in of course the Huffington Post. The article took aim directly at Trump's then proposal to slow down immigration from particular Islamic theocratic states in the Middle East which were known to harbor large numbers of terrorist organizations and Sharia Law activists. The article completely misrepresented the community's concerns about immigration from Islamic Theocracies by trying to paint the opposition as not being against theocracy but being racist. The article strongly implied that Whites were racializing Islam, that their concerns were not about Sharia Law and infiltration by Islamic terrorists from known danger zones, but simply that Whites were anti-brown racists.  The implication was that this anti-brown racism could spill over into anti-Hinduism.  The Hindu American Foundation hurt the sentiments of Whites and Hindu friends of Whites by implying modern Whites were too ignorant and simply wicked to want to know the difference between race and religion. 

When Hindus For Trump started our campaign, HAF was one of the first Leftist organizations to attack us.  For our logo we copied the BJP's montage of depicting politicians such as Modi seated upon a lotus flower.  When the BJP puts Modi at the center of a lotus it would seem that this is not offensive, however when the person seated in the lotus is Donald Trump, this is deemed inflammatory by the Hindu American Foundation.  HAF sent tweets to our twitter account requesting we change our poster so as not to bring disrepute upon the lotus and om symbol.  Why did HAF single us out for using imagery which has been standard propaganda for the BJP and Hindu politics for years now? This poster was created by nothing but Hindus, HAF had no right to criticize standard Hindu political artwork just because the art now featured Donald Trump.

We are kicking ourselves that we did not download and save the Houston Chronicle's article written by the Hindu American Foundation's National Leadership Council member Kavita Pallod Sekhsaria, because HAF must have changed the article in response to the negative outrage, which was deserved, and now we don't have the original quotes of issue for this blog. The original title of the article was "I'm Hindu. But not like that", and to understand this issue, that title is all you need to know. You can see above we screen captured the original title on HAF's facebook page and you will notice the URL to the article, now titled "I'm Hindu. But I'm also me" still carries the original title. If anyone has the original version of the article please send it to us.


Origina URL

We wish we had the direct quotes, but in the article, HAF made it clear they are disparaging of and don't want to be associated with Hindutva (Hindu Nationalism); just the title, "But not like that", dehumanizing Hindus who support Hindutva. HAF has admitted in their own articles they have no staff who espouse Hindutva politics. Would any group claim to be the largest Jewish advocacy group but say they have no Zionists on their team? Would any group claim to be the premier voice of Islam in American without even one Muslim on their board who believes in Sharia Law? Would any supposedly Catholic organization ever subtly disavow the theocratic nation-state of the Vatican? Would these seemingly distance themselves from theocratic movements within the community?  Would any of these groups ever refer to any section of their coreligionists as "that"? No, they wouldn't, because not only would that be political suicide, it would also painfully reveal that said organizations did indeed absolutely not speak for all of its coreligionists and indeed looked down on many of them, working against them. 
"HAF’s current team spans both the political and religious spectrum, most of whom have a distaste for Indian politics of any sort, and none of whom espouse Hindutva politics." - Sheetal, HAF Senior Director 
"Coalition Against Reality: Deconstructing an Attack on the Hindu American Foundation" Retrieved 6/12/2019 From: https://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/omsweetom/2014/01/coalition-against-reality-deconstructing-an-attack-on-the-hindu-american-foundation.html#K6YfZUVOTIKUDzEQ.99
Yet there is another scandal HAF is involved in and that is their alliance with the anti-Hindutva organization Sadhana. There has been a steady and persistent organized movement to establish Diwali as a school holiday in both NYC and New Jersey for decades now. Many of the persons and organizations which have joined this coalition are Hinduists who do support Hindutva, and no one would question this if Zionists or Islamists were involved in similar campaigns for their own community, it's only scandalous when the organizers are Hindutva. HAF was well aware of and invited to join this large coalition which spanned dozens of organizations and thousands of Hindus. However, HAF chose to quietly launch their own separate campaign for Diwali that was not only not purely Hindu (they made it an interfaith movement) but they also engaged with Sadhana, a long mistrusted and contentious anti-Hindutva organization. HAF would, of course, have known that snubbing the already establish Hindu Holidays campaign, and siding with such a scandalous organization like Sadhana, this would alienate and aggravate their Hindu support base in the regions, but again HAF just does not seem to care about their membership and donation pool, it's almost as if they don't need us, HAF even tried to poach our collaboration with the Mayor's Office away from us, whose side are they on?  

As for HAF's chosen partner Sadhana, here is what they have to say about legitimate and respectable Hindutva:

(Images may be blurry on a mobile phone, to read click on the image)

So now it should be no surprise that the Hindu American Foundation has pushed Kamala Harris on their Facebook page. They published an article by CNN on Kamala Harris' Indian roots and why they matter. Kamala Harris stated on the census that she is "African American", not Asian American, and she has rarely made her Indianess as part of her campaign. Kamala Harris' Indian roots only matter because she is using them in a sleazy way to gain Indian and Hindu votes, even though her Hindu mother chose to raise her daughter's Baptists... why didn't Harris go for a hybrid religion and why does she rarely if ever highlight her Hindu heritage? Harris knows if she overemphasized her Indian and Hindu background it could dampen the ardor of the Christain Black community's identification with her who make up a larger proportion of the electorate than Hindus. When it comes to numbers Harris puts certain minorities above others. Not to mention that Harris knows if she emphasized her Hindu roots should could lose the Islamist vote. And Harris is also partially White, yet that is really never mentioned by the Left... and HAF has proven their lowly opinion of Whites. Both Hindus and Whites need to call out HAF on their racialist politics. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Hindu Indian Supreme Court lawyer says "Kamala Harris A Dangerous Democratic Design"


By Amitabh Sinha - Lawyer at the Supreme Court of India, educationist heading colleges of different universities

The projection of a supposed Indian woman to the highest office in the US is nothing but an eyewash — one that may prove to be detrimental for the Indians living there

India and the United States today are on the same political trajectory. It is the fight to retain the integrity of its people and the war against the dangerous communist-jihadi combine that seeks to dominate the world through dogma, violence and radicalised religion. And just as we have the Congress in India — a pseudo-secular, pro-Muslim party with a history of failed diplomacy in international relations — the US has the Democrats. A party that is well-known for its basically anti-Hindu/pro-Islamic thought and deed. A party that plays on the emotions of the people of the US in the name of liberty and equality, and yet when voted to power, goes against the very nature of its electoral promise. Kamala Harris, or as she is very conveniently Kamala ‘Devi’ Harris now, is the best example of that.

A person of Indian-Jamaican parentage, a member of the Third Baptist Church of San Francisco and wife of entertainment lawyer Douglas Emhoff. A lady who has never laid claim to be Indian until now. Which honestly she isn’t either — she’s as far away from identifying as ‘Indian’ as Joe Biden himself would be.

A mirror-image in India is the brother-sister duo of Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi. Come election time, and they are ready with their temple-tourism, their rudraksha malas and tilaks to denote Hindu roots and a consistent pro-Indian voice that they raise while seeking votes. A diametric change from pre-2014, where all they sought was the vote of specific minorities and appeasement was the name of the game. And yet, every time they have been voted to power, as history has it — they have never hesitated to become agents of communist China, a country that has been viciously anti-India for as long as one can remember.

This is what the Indian diaspora in the US needs to be wary of. Indians, emotional as they are, will choose to vote for what they see as the fulfilment of an aspirational dream — that of seeing one of their own in the highest echelons of power.

But Kamala ‘Devi’ Harris is not that. Slowly and surely, she has started showing her true colours, resonant with her beliefs and political affiliation with the Democrats. Her latest statement on Kashmir where she promises support to ‘Kashmiris’, and talks of intervening if needed, is essentially what is an internal matter of India regarding the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir, is telling.

Another Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal had her support when India’s Minister of External Affairs S Jaishankar had refused to meet or attend any function which had her attendance. Jayapal had earlier moved a resolution on the Kashmir issue in the House of Representatives. “It’s wrong for any foreign government to tell Congress what members are allowed in meetings on Capitol Hill,” said Harris in her tweet. But it’s fine to interfere in Kashmir without being asked to, Ms Harris?

Indians in the US should remember that when asked at the Howard University press conference after she placed her bid, whether she identifies as an African-American or an Indian-American, Harris replied that she identifies as “a proud American”.

In the same vein, when she had to list her ancestry on the U.S. Census form, Kamala Harris dropped any ties to her Indian roots and chose instead to be known as “African American” instead of “Asian Indian.” This despite her emotive declaration that the greatest truth in her life is the honour of being Dr Shyamala Gopalan Harris’s daughter. Then why forget her singular contribution in your life Ms.Harris, when pursuing identity politics?

Also, pride in her African-American roots was apparent when she declared her presidency on Martin Luther King Jr Day. Her campaign colours and typography are designed to come across as a tribute to Shirley Chisholm, the first black woman to run for president in 1972.

The truth is that China is desperate. As they see their country headed for disintegration in the near future, they will do anything to further their cause of having a pro-Communist China party at the helm of a government in the US. And the election of Kamala Harris is fitting in just perfectly. Which true Indian living in America would openly support pro-Pakistan Kashmiri Muslims rather than the Kashmiris who were driven out of their homes and land in the worst genocide in recent history, and still remain true to India?

Kamala Harris’s presidential projection as an Indian is wrong on every count. It is designed to garner the support of the hugely successful Indian diaspora in the US. But those Indians need to now believe that they require no one anywhere to validate their position in the country. That they hold a vote that should be cast carefully. Elect a government that will help the US along with India, Japan, Australia and other friendly countries fight the proxy-war that has been unleashed by China and their closest allies — the Jihadi Muslim countries. And any democratic government that dangerously manipulates its voters on a false premise and then betrays them is not the right one.

Indians, beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Why many USA Hindus are grossed-out by Biden's Kamala pick


Why would Biden choose a candidate who only recently stated that she believed those women who accused him of inappropriate touching and what kind of person is Kamala Harris to then become the running mate of a man she believed had sexually assaulted other women? There is a calculated and sleazy reason why Kamala was chosen as Biden's running mate, and much of this has to do with pandering to Hindus. 

Making only up 1-2% of the population, most people would think that Hindus are not really a major vote bank, and if scattered across the country they could not make up enough of a constituency in any state in order to change an election. But Hindus are not scattered across the country and in fact they have concentrations in swing-states like Florida and Virginia. That is why in 2016 Trump attended a rally just for Hindus, in the non-swing-state of New Jersey, just to speak to these voters. This is why Trump's daughter-in-law went to a Virginia Hindu temple on Diwali, this is why Trump's son Eric went to a Hindu temple in Florida, because in these states the Hindu vote matters. 

Hindus brought Trump Florida and this time they could also bring him Virginia. During the 2016 campaign the Democrats ignored the Hindu community up until the very end when Hillary Clinton's crowd tried a last-ditch effort with "Hindus For Hillary", it didn't even arrive until only weeks or even days before the election, and then only a few nights before there was arranged a puja for Hillary in a Hindu temple, while Pujas had been done for Trump for months beforehand. The Left is generally not interested in Hindus who they are more interested in branding as Hindutva fascists than allies. 

But this time the Democratic party has wisened up to the new power of Hindus, including their monetary wealth... Hindus are the wealthiest religious group in the USA. Hindus donated millions to Trump, along with bringing him the vote, and the Democrats want both. Hindus see in Biden's pick of Kamala Harris an attempt to pander to them, both racially and subliminally spiritually. 

Kamala Harris is the daughter of a Jamaican Christian and an Indian Hindu mother, even though her Hindu mother had her raised in Baptist Churches. In his latest piece for the Toronto Sun (here), liberal activist Tarek Fatah chastised Kamala's sudden reawakening to her Indian roots when she has built much of her career on being Jamaican, or at least that made up the bulk of her rhetoric... Kamala was not until recently known as the first "Indian-American" woman to run for any sort of office, nor did she take much ink to highlight her Hindu heritage. 

But now the Left is very keen to make Kamala look like the first Hindu and Indian-American to ever run for Vice-President... yes Hindus have noticed that this has come all of a sudden... where was Kamala's Hinduness and Indianess when she was running for President... now that she is running as Biden's VP it is everywhere... Hindus are not hallucinating about the sudden change. They have noticed and many are grossed-out. 

Friday, September 28, 2018

Why that Republican Ganesh political ad is not so bad

The Hindu community in the USA and particularly in Texas is split this month over a controversial ad which was placed in the India Herald by a local Fort Bend County Republican political advocacy group.  The ad targeted Texas Hindu voters with an image of Ganesh, the ad explained Ganesh's symbolism, but then begged the question “Would you worship a donkey or an elephant? The choice is yours.” Now yes, at first this does sound a bit politically stupid, to equate the veneration of the Hindu god Ganesh with animal worship, and especially linking it in with a political party, however it should also be noted that The India Herald's editor Seshadri Kumar and others were consulted on the ad before it was launched and that they did not find it offensive, perhaps only in poor taste. 

We received phone calls from Hindu community members asking us to write a piece on the scandal and to add some further community comments and insights. The people we have spoken to who have seen the ad state that except for the phrase "would you worship a donkey or an elephant", that the rest of the ad was flattering to Hindus.  Many Hindus were pleasantly surprised to finally see political ads which target the Hindu community specifically, this after a grueling history of virtual political non-existence.  One person we spoke to said she welcomed the attempt to reach out to Hindus, this showed we were finally considered and important by mainstream politics.  Another Hindu we spoke to said they liked that the ad described the symbolism of Ganesh, they found it to be a respectful and educational touch. Everyone agreed the one line about worshiping donkeys and elephants was a poor choice, but overall they found the ad to be positive and encouraging. 

Now the complaint against the ad comes with it's own perceived political motive as the complaint was spearheaded by the Hindu American Foundation (HAF).  HAF has a history of taking offense to ads which were put out by Hindus themselves when it seemed that HAF did not like the political message behind the ad.  During the 2016 elections we launched the "Hindus For Trump" campaign in which we copied the BJP's montage of depicting politicians such as Modi seated upon a lotus flower.  When the BJP puts Modi at the center of a lotus it would seem that this is not offensive, however when the person seated in the lotus is Donald Trump, this is deemed inflammatory by the Hindu American Foundation.  HAF sent tweets to our twitter account requesting we change our poster so as not to bring disrepute upon the lotus and om symbol.  Why did HAF single us out for using imagery which has been standard propaganda for the BJP and Hindu politics for years now? This poster was created by nothing but Hindus, HAF had no right to criticize standard Hindu political artwork just because the art now featured Donald Trump.

But more than this, The Hindu American Foundation claims to be a "Politically Agnostic" organization, however during the election season they produced an article in the Huffington Post which was met with much criticism not only from the Hindu community but also the White community. The title of the piece was "The Racialization of Religion Began Long Before Today’s Islamophobia".  The article took aim directly at Trump's then proposal to slow down immigration from particular Islamic theocratic states in the Middle East which were known to harbor large numbers of terrorist organizations and Sharia Law activists. The article completely misrepresented the community's concerns about immigration from Islamic Theocracies by trying to paint the opposition as not being against theocracy but being racist. The article strongly implied that Whites were racializing Islam, that their concerns were not about Sharia Law and infiltration by Islamic terrorists from known danger zones, but simply that Whites were anti-brown racists.  The implication was that this anti-brown racism could spill over into anti-Hinduism.  The Hindu American Foundation hurt the sentiments of Whites and Hindu friends of Whites by implying modern Whites were too ignorant and simply wicked to want to know the difference between race and religion. 

The point is this, the Fort Bend Country's intentions behind the Ganesh ad were noble and positive for the Hindu community.  All the Hindus we know are grateful that members of any mainstream political party are now courting Hindus.  Overall, the ad was very respectful and did it's best to present Hindu beliefs and sentiments to the public at large.  Yes, the comment about donkeys and elephants was poorly crafted, however this statement was approved by Hindu editors of the India Herald and other Hindu community leaders before the ad was launched. The Hindu American Foundation has done nothing but bring more ill repute upon itself by attacking yet another Hindu created or Hindu approved political ad.  Again, it would seem that HAF, when it is perceived that Whites or Republicans are involved, are willing to go against Hindus themselves.  This is just further evidence of the deteriorating relationship between HAF and the American Hindu community.  If anyone should apologize it is HAF for not only propagating dangerous canards against Whites but taking aim at Hindus when it seems to be politically expedient for them.  HAF is already viewed with great suspicion, where there is smoke there is fire. HAF, whether it is true or not, is felt by many Hindus to be, yes, an arm of Left-wing globalism, and yes, the fact that this small organization rose up to such power and with such substantial funding is suspicious, especially since they take no qualms about alienating and even targeting Whites and Hindu Americans who do not seem to jive with their perceived political agenda. 

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Trump, Hindus and Ezidis unite for Nebraska elections

Due to the fact that Hindus are traditionally (but not always) racial minorities, who have a track record of voting Democrat, and who are known to donate and volunteer for political campaigns in record numbers, when "Hindus For Trump" launched we and the Hindu community gained much political notoriety which had not been experienced previously. However, around the same time, we also launched our sister organization, "Ezidis For Trump", and despite the fact that we tried our best to gain attention for this cause, it never got any coverage above facebook and twitter comments, but why?


For those who have been following Middle East politics over the past few year, most specifically the rise of the "Islamic State" in Iraq, it would be difficult to have missed the world coverage placed upon the Ezidi People as they were and still are slated for extermination by the Radical Islamic regime. Ezidi (or Yazidi/Yezidi) is the name of a small 1 million strong ethnic population from northern Iraq who practice a religion called Yazdanism.  Traditionally, one can only be born an Ezidi as the religion is tribal, itself divided by three birth based castes.

The Ezidi have their own unique religion, however, it is admittedly a combination of several other religions, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism and ancient Middle Easter Paganism. The Ezidi have two holy book, the Black Book and the Book of Revelation, these books teach the Ezidi to gather knowledge from the Bible, Torah and Koran, but also to learn idolatry from Pagans.  The Ezidi cosmic kingdom is ruled by 7 angels, the most powerful being Melek Taus, an angel who comes in the form of a peacock.  Ezidi lore states that the Peacock Angel came to the Ezidi when they traveled to India during a time of calamity, and that upon their return Melek Taus became their prime  deity. 


Due to the fact that the Ezidi use Idols in worship and because many Abrahamic theologians identify their god Melek Taus with the Biblical Satan, the Ezidi have traditionally been called "Devil Worshipers" by outsiders; this is why ISIS has vowed to exterminate the Ezidi people, it is also why the Ezidi and Hindus have developed such a strong bond.  While the Ezidi are of course being slaughtered in record numbers in Northern Iraq, perhaps even worse is the large scale kidnapping, rape and sex slaving of their young daughters.  Because Ezidis are not considered "People of the Book" (Jew and Christians), according to Islamic scholars, like "pagan" Hindus, the Ezidi are open game, ripe for limitless pillaging.  

Ezidi girls and women share a common bond with the Hindu women of Pakistan and Bangladesh, they are subjected to the most barbaric forms of sexual degradation, including being sold naked in the streets, beatings, rape and torture.  When world Hindus saw the plight of the Ezidi, isolated, trapped, starving to death, watching as their sons were murdered and daughters stolen away, the Hindu heart went out to the Ezidi. Hindus and Ezidis united together outside the White House to pray for US intervention and a refugee program; Hindus also sent thousands of pounds of supplies to Northern Iraq and payed for Ezidi leaders to tour India. Thus was born a new alliance, however, under the Obama administration, nothing could and nothing did happen to save the Ezidis, or Hindus for that matter.

It should'nt be a shock to anyone that when the 2016 election candidates came around, once Trump announced his plans to crush ISIS, the Ezidid embraced him in mass, however, there are only approximately a little more than 2,000 Ezidi families living in the USA, and they are mostly concentrated in Nebraska, thus the "Ezidis For Trump" campaign fell short of gaining media attention. Also, the Ezidi accused the mainstream media of purposely blacklisting the Ezidi campaign for Trump so as not to give Trump his due minority credits. The end result of all this has been that the world has since forgotten about the Ezidi and their torture and their annihilation continues in North Iraq, and still there is no program to ensure their national sovereignty or any refugee program. 


Both Hindus and Ezidis believe in Karma and Reincarnation, we both know that no effort goes unnoticed, and just when it seems that all hope has been lost, now that the Ezidis are media pariahs, now that the initial enthusiasm to save them has worn off... now is the time when a new and more sturdy alliance between Ezidis and Hindus has begun to rise.  In the wake of the 2016 elections, due to the tremendous support Trump received from the Hindu community, he officially endorsed the American Hindu Coalition, a Washington DC based lobby group with incredibly growing membership and clout. Trump Team's official involvement with the group makes it highly influential and gives it muscle power. Hindus for Trump and Ezidis for Trump have contacted the American Hindu Coalition with a new plan, and they have accepted it!  All we need to do now is gain support among Ezidis and Hindus. 

  • Ezidis are most concentrated in the state of Nebraska. Neither Hindus nor Ezidis in this state have enough numbers to make a viable vote bank, but together, they can change elections, and that means power. The plan is to create a Nebraska Hindu-Ezidi Coalition (NHEC) to engage with local leaders and the federal government though the American Hindu Coalition.
  • The NHEC will work together to spread awareness of both the Hindu and Ezidi cultures and religions, as well as their shared plight of living under Islamic theocracy, the Ezidis under the Islamic State and the Hindus under Bangladesh and Pakistan.
  • The NHEC will work to build the first Ezidi Temple in the USA, a Temple which highlights some of the Hindu origins of the Ezidi Religion.
  • The NHEC will launch the world's first Ezidi Nationalist organization, a movement to return the land of Northern Iraq to the Ezidi people where they can exist as a sovereign Ethno-State with close ties to both the USA and India.  We will also push to establish an official refugee program to bring all endangered Ezidis to the USA with the aim of returning them to their homeland. 
  • Finally, the NHEC will prepare for the 2020 election and insure that the "Ezidis For Trump" brand cannot be negated by the mainstream media, we will insure that Trump can count on the Hindus/Ezidis of Nebraska to deliver him a 2nd win. 


If you believe in this plan, all you need to do is share this article, the rest is already in the works. The Hindu-Ezidi bond is already there, it's been there since the start, what we didn't have was official support.  If we want to get we have to give, we need to be ready to put our resources out first, in Nebraska that means our voting and cultural resources.  Trump is president yes, but he is still vulnerable and he needs all the allies he can get. An Ezidi-Hindu voting block in the heartland is sure to get the right attention, and a helping hand in return.  Let's make history, let's get an Ezidi State in Iraq with military and trade ties to the USA and India, not to mention saving the Ezidis from extermination... which politician would not want that under their hat? 

Saturday, September 2, 2017

How and why I started "Hindus For Trump"

By Vincent Bruno

Now that the inauguration is over, and Donald Trump has been sworn in as the 45th President of the United States, it is time for me to explain how and why I started "Hindus For Trump", an explanation many Hindus have been looking for since the campaign began. I have to say that for the most part, Hindus were rather civil during this election. Some sided with Hillary, some sided with Bernie Sanders, obviously many sided with Trump, however we did not cannibalize each other as many other groups did.  We all saw how the Cruz-Trump feud tore apart the Republican party, we all witnessed how vicious it got in the DNC between Sanders and Hillary, we all know how friends and even families were torn apart during the election, however I think we also all noticed that we Hindus for the most part avoided these turbulent seas. There was no tempest in the Hindu community, only ripples in the pond. I am happy to say I don't think I lost any friends during this election, and I think the same is true for most Hindus. However, it is time for me to explain why I did what I did, many have asked and it is a legitimate question. As Hindus we are always looking at the higher order, the question above the moment, how will current events effect the future, and so like many other Hindus, I got involved in this election cycle with the future in mind. 

So how and why did I get started in this rather controversial movement of "Hindus For Trump"? Obviously everyone within the Hindu community, and outside of it, knows by now that the movement garnered a great deal of attention both in the USA and India. Our "Hindus For Trump" internet poster was widely circulated through major news outlets, and we were even interviewed by the New York Times. Many have credited us as being the catalyst which activated groups like the Hindu Sena to support Trump in India and the eventual endorsement of Trump by the Republican Hindu Coalition (RHC). Some loved what we did and were very supportive, others hated it and derided the movement, but everyone kept asking me... why?.... how?... and so here it is.

Before this 2016 presidential election, I had never gotten involved in politics in any meaningful way. Yes I had held opinions about candidates and platforms, but I never really voiced these opinions to others nor did I ever endorse any candidate.  While I was always interested in politics and knew how important they were to our daily lives, I could never find a good reason to support anyone. The candidates agendas seemed so detached from my reality, I could not find a good enough reason to expend my energy.  This sentiment stayed with me even at the beginning of the 2016 elections cycle, the candidates lined up, I took notice but didn't support anyone. I carried on with my Hindu work as usual, knowing that Hinduism is the bigger answer, the larger quest, and no one seemed to fit into this quest at all.  I heard people talking about Trump running for president, some thought it was a joke, others thought it was funny, no one took it seriously, and I didn't take it that seriously either.

The summer of 2015 went by and nothing had stirred me to get involved in the election, but then something happened, something unexpected.  I had been invited by the "Indian American Intellectuals Forum" (IAIF) to attend the India Day Parade in Manhattan. The founder of the group, Narain Kataria, who has since passed on, had dedicated his life to saving the Hindus of Pakistan from Islamic tyranny and genocide, he also wanted to warn the West of the dangers of Radical Islamic terrorism.  When I first began my work as a Hindu activist and started "Justice For Hindus", Narain Kataria was my first supporter and mentor, he gave me much of his time and energy. I was asked to help distribute the IAIF's newly published newspaper "India World Geopolitics", a collection of articles written by Hindu activists highlighting the plight of Hindus living under Islamic regimes in Bangladesh and Pakistan.  Upon my arrival I was surprised with the fact that an article I had written about another activist friend of mine had been put on the front cover along with our pictures. I was very honored and shocked as my image was spread to the crowds by the thousands. 

As I thumbed through the newspaper I read the horrific headlines of persecution and misery brought on by Radical Islamic regimes in South Asia, yet as a Hindu activist myself, these facts and stories had become so familiar to me that I almost didn't flinch.  But then there was something that did catch my eye. On the back cover of the newspaper was a full page advertisement endorsing Donald Trump for president of the United States.  Now remember that at this time, in August of 2015, Donald Trump had not made many scandalous statements and his candidacy was viewed by most with amusement. I remember looking over the endorsement, Trump's face, Trump proclaimed as "America's Last Best Hope", because the world was facing unprecedented problems, and Trump needed "no favor from any quarter". 

This endorsement struck me, and not because it was Trump. Like most others at this time I had no strong opinions about Trump's presidency, he was a larger than life TV personality and real estate mogul, rude but funny, powerful but seemingly uninvolved.  No, it was not that the endorsement was for Trump, but that he was said to be "America's Last Best Hope"... BEST hope. Here Trump was not idealized, his platform not presented as some panacea to cure the ills of the days, he was no savior or divinely inspired hero, he was simply American's BEST hope for the future, and only because he was independent and would be less beholden by the current power structures.  Like most young Americans these days I could not be swept up by pure patriotism, our nation's nefarious international intrigues over the past several decades has taken much of the shine off of "Americanism", yet I was looking for a "secure world" and the "best hope" for the future possible. After skimming the horrific headlines in the newspaper, after seeing all the cries for security and help from Hindus, a cause which I have dedicated much of my life to, I came to this advertisement, not a promise of a glorious future, only a best direction to take in order to secure the world; and the endorsement was coming from men I held with great respect.  The advocacy was typically Hindu, nuanced, and so I was impressed, pleased by another Hindu insight, but still at the end of the day I was not moved, and I continued on with my work and life, sans politics.

My friends and I began realizing we needed to find a way to tie the Hindu cause and the Western cause together. The West was swiftly beginning to notice the dangers of Islamism, yet their response was confused and sluggish. We Hindus know how late the hour is, we understand the real danger, we are racing to save lives, and so we were looking for a way to hasten the West's inevitable conclusion, that Radical Islam is a deadly threat.  Then came the first of a series of major Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe.  In November of 2015 a stint of suicide attacks in Paris had left 130 people dead in one evening. The world shuttered and took attention. What had once been a fringe idea, that Islam is dangerous, was now at least entertained by many minds in America.  We moved as swiftly as we could to tie together the Western and Hindu agendas, we attempted "A HINDU-WESTERN ALLIANCE AGAINST ISLAM" campaign, it was perhaps a little too abrupt to gain traction. 

It was around this time that Trump began his controversial campaign promise of banning all Islamic immigration into the United States.  All of a sudden Trump's campaign was transformed from a comedy into a terror by much of the media and public. Trump was now a racist and a bigot, a reincarnation of Adolf Hitler. Trump also began making other comments which could have double meaning. Were there rapists and drugs dealers illegally entering the USA from Mexico, yes... was Trump saying that all Mexicans were rapists and drug dealers, who knew? Trump's hard line stance on Radical Islam seemed to jive with the Hindu activist scene, but many were also concerned that this was a prelude to an attack on all non-Christians and non-Whites.  I had no plan to get involved in the election or endorse anyone, and while I did see potential in Hindu support for Trump, I also understood the possibility of danger, and so as it had always been I didn't get involved.  

But then there began a constant murmuring in the Hindu community: should we support Trump, is he a racist, is he a Christian supremacist, does he really mean only Islam, what does he think about Hindus, should we support Trump? It was also around this time that the Republican Hindu Coalition was launched, this was no small event since Hindus in America had always traditionally voted Democrat. The arrival of the RHC at this very moment seemed to be a signal, a sign of our future direction. In early December a friend and I held a political Hindu book club in our New Jersey apartment. Prominent Hindu activists attended, afterward we had dinner and talked about current events. Of course talk turned to the election, and every single person still present at the time said they were supporting Trump.  Everyone believed that he was not a racist, that when he said Islamic immigration and Illegal immigration, that was what he meant, not non-Christians and non-Whites. No one believed that Trump was a fundamentalist Christian, but a reasonable nationalist who saw threats to the nation, threats which Hindus already understood; everyone suggested endorsing him. A few days later I received calls and words urging me to find a way to rally Hindus for Trump, and so I did. 

Now what went through my mind as I prepared to introduce the "Hindus For Trump" campaign to the Hindu community and the world?  This was December of 2015, Trump was now a shock and an outrage in much of the public square. To align with him was radical and dangerous, there seemed to be little hope of him winning the election.  Yet I did not think about winning or losing, I thought about perceptions and alliances.  How many Americans knew the difference between Muslims and Hindus?  Wouldn't many people assume that Hindus voted along minority/racial lines, that they were a granted vote to the democrats, the powers that be, the Clintons?  These perceptions in the minds of the American public were to myself and many of my friends, dangerous.  We wanted the world to know that Hindus are independent, critical and long term thinkers, that we are an ally against Radical Islam, that we had seen through the corruption of the current power structures and could be allies in forging a new way.  Even if Trump were to lose the election, if we made a determined effort to raise ourselves above the fray, we could attract the much needed attention and allies we had been looking for.  We designed our now famous internet poster, we began our campaign. 

This was December, we launched, and nothing.  Most were too afraid to publicly align themselves with such a contentious cause, the non-Hindu community, as usual, was not even looking our way. We posted articles about Islamic terrorism and tyranny in South Asia, we tried to show that Hindus were the natural social and economic allies of America, but the movement seemed flat, dead in the water. In January a group started the "Indian Americans For Trump" political action committee, and this gained some media attention. Then we remembered the Indian American Intellectual Forum's original endorsement of Trump in their newspaper. These newspapers had been distributed by the thousands to the American Hindu community and so we knew that many must have been aware of the endorsement.  IAIF President Narain Kataria was a well known and respected man, he had arranged for the arrival of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Madison Square Garden the previous summer, his funeral in September of 2015 was well attended by prominent members of the community; his endorsement of Trump would carry some weight. And now we had the formation of the Republican Hindu Coalition and Indian Americans For Trump, so we wrote a blog on American Hindu support for Trump, and this is when we got attention, negative attention. 

Our blog post was picked up by a reporter working for Huffington Post India. Adrija Bose, the reporter living in India, tried to very cleverly undermine our movement by falsely accusing us of deifying Trump, placing him on a Lotus like Lord Vishnu.  Many other news outlets followed Bose's lead, defaming "Hindus For Trump" for supposedly desecrating Hindu iconography. All of a sudden we had a bad name, we were cheapening the Hindu gods!  We had to fight back, we had never ever even thought that our poster could be misconstrued in such a fashion, we had simply borrowed similar iconography from Modi's campaign, him seated inside a lotus. We wrote back to Adrija Bose and Huffington Post India. We explained our true intention with the artwork and also turned the question around on them, why didn't they report on real desecration of Hinduism, such as the insulting portrayal of Shiva in a bathroom in the Indian movie PK, staring a Muslim actor? We didn't hear back from Adrija, but she had made the internet poster famous and it began making the rounds on the internet.  This is how we got our New York Times interview, the reporter said she had followed leads on the "infamous" poster!

Now the movement really began to take off. In India, the pronounced Hindu Sena began conducting havans (fire rituals) for Trump's victory. These publicity events garnered much media attention and helped snowball the "Hindus For Trump" movement into the mainstream. For months "Hindus For Trump" became a topic of discussion on blogs, internet forums and media, then finally the Republican Hindu Coalition officially endorsed Trump, with the group's founder, Shali Kumar, donating nearly $1 million dollars to Trump's campaign, and all this by the early summer of 2016. As the summer continued, Trump's poll numbers began to climb, and after the Republican National Convention, his prospects seemed promising.  But then his campaign was rocked by scandals, extremely lewd comments he had made about women surfaced, he also did very poorly in the first presidential debate. By this time, Hillary Clinton had snatched the Democratic nomination from Bernie Sanders, she was inching up in the polls, and it eventually began to look like she would win.

Now this raises the obvious question, why were we not supporting Hillary Clinton?  Why didn't we support Bernie Sanders as many young Hindus did?  Remember our agenda was to make the BEST choice, the choice that would do the most to end the suffering of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh, the choice that would expose the true face of Radical Islam, the choice that would most propel Hindus into the American political limelight.  Bernie Sander demonstrated little to no understanding of the dangers posed by Islamism, he was preaching leftist populism, he didn't seem to see the bigger problem, he didn't notice the storm clouds on the horizon.  But by summertime Bernie's candidacy was no longer viable and so he was no longer a question.  Now it was between Trump and Hillary, which would it be?  Hillary Clinton was the establishment, she was the status quo, she refused to notice the threat of Radical Islam, she had no issue being funded by Islamic States like Saudi Arabia, she had no outspoken moral position on the discrimination and genocide faced by Hindus and non-Muslims in Pakistan and Bangladesh. But above all else she had proven herself to be an enemy of India's BEST hope, Narendra Modi.

Unbeknownst to the majority of the Hindu public, Hillary Clinton attempted to frame Narendra Modi for genocide.  As we all know, in 2002, when Modi was Minister of the Gujarat State, gangs of Muslims set fire to a train filled with women and children, killing dozens.  Because the crime was so heinous and targeted Hindus, spontaneous riots broke out across the state of Gujarat, many Muslims were killed during these riots. While any reasonable person could see that these riots were provoked by the act of terrorism, Hillary Clinton among others put in diligent efforts to try to frame Modi for the riots, seeing that he was set to become the next Prime Minister of India and it was believed that he would not be following the Western establishment's agenda. Hillary Clinton herself, as secretary of state, initiated the "Get Modi Plan", an attempt to find any evidence she could to bring Modi to trial. Hillary Clinton, using Scandinavian NGOs, found nothing save old buffalo bones in her vain search, and every agency in India cleared Modi of any crimes.  But still, the name of the plan, "Get Modi", shows that Hillary had obvious bias against India's BEST hope for security and prosperity. This along with other scandals of hers led our group to advertise her crimes using colorful posters and articles.

We did everything we could to expose Hillary's bias against Modi and India, as well as her funding from Islamic regimes like Sauid Arabia, but still she continued to rise in the polls.  There was no traction for the Hindu cause with Clinton We could not use her steam to advertise our plight, we could not compete with Saudi funding, we could not grab her heart or mind to see the travesty of Islamic governance in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Hillary was consumed with painting Islam as being benign, meanwhile she had done everything she could to bring down Modi who knew very well the hazard posed to India by unchecked illegal Islamic immigration, and the US backed Islamic regime of Pakistan on its borders.  Modi was the man Hillary wanted to take down, not the house or Saud, her loyalties were obvious, so were her "enemies". What could we do?  We just continued, hoping for something to happen, and then the break came. 

After all of the media hype, all the demonstrations and internet activity, "Hindus For Trump" was a subject of dispute, of mockery, of intrigue and confusion, but it was still a subject of discussion, we had met half of our goal.  This small roar of activity, the buzz, it was loud enough to make the impossible possible... the Republican Hindu Coalition arranged for Trump to give a speech at an event made specially for Hindus.  In late October, only weeks away from election day, when Trump had slumped in the polls, he came to Edison New Jersey to speak to a crowd of more than 5,000 Hindu supporters.  No presidential candidate in history had ever attended a purely Hindu event, Trump was the first.  He made it clear to the crowd that under his administration Hindus would have a true friend in the White House and that the USA and India would become "best friends".  The money raised during the event went to the Hindu victims of genocide in the Islamic State of Bangladesh. This was amazing!  The media reported and contorted and laughed and jeered, but they could not help but say the word "Hindu", a word we have rarely ever heard them say before.  Even if Trump didn't win, we had already brought the Hindu name and the Hindu cause for liberation to the forefront. For the first time Hindus were mainstream news, the world knew we were a power who commanded respect. Our group "Hindus For Trump" attended the event with large signs exposing Hillary, we also passed out newly printed information cards which became the topic of much discussion in the days before the election

Trump's poll numbers began rising once again, "Hindus For Trump" was a force to be taken seriously, Jimmy Kimmel derided us, the Republican Hindu Coalition began airing pro-Trump ads in battle grounds states targeting Hindu voters, Hindus who supported trump but had remained silent began openly showing their support.  Amazingly, Trump's daughter-in-law visited a Hindu temple for Diwali and his son Eric did aarti in a Hindu temple in Florida, all of this days before the election. Meanwhile our group traveled to Philadelphia to partake in a Black-Asian-Hindu coalition demonstration for Trump, I was also flown to Houston to give a pro-Trump speech to a Hindu group there, we kept up the momentum. Everyone knew by now that Hindus were supporting Trump, now they were asking themselves why, and that is exactly what we wanted. 

Election night came and went, Trump won, Hillary lost, but "Hindus For Trump" had won from the very beginning. Hinduism in politics is now something elected officials needed to think about, no one can take our vote for granted, we need to be courted, we need to be respected, we have money to spend, energy to spend, and reasons for doing so... but what are these reasons?  We took no time in using our victory and Trump's victory to our advantage.  only days after the election, on November 13th, Bangladeshi Hindus brought their grievances to the United Nations, begging for an international response to the ongoing targeted murders and persecution of Hindus living within the Islamic State of Bangladesh. Special appeals were made to President Trump, we now had a powerful man on our side, a name which got our cause attention, people began listening.  This was followed by demonstrations outside Trump Tower and finally the White House in December.  Each time we made it clear, we were invoking help from Trump himself, the now leader of the free world, a man who had said that he would be the best friend of Hindus. International media paid attention, our demonstrations made news in Bangladesh where they are usually ignored... we cannot be ignored anymore, our movement now has teeth, power, attention, all because we did our best to make the "BEST" choice. 

So then how did it all happen, why did it all happen?  It is strange to think that all of this may not have happened at all, since it was my initial inclination to not get involved in politics.  But it was that initial ad for Trump, the one in the newspaper where I was in the front and Trump was in the back, and all the horror of Islamic tyranny in between... yes that is what brought me here, the fight against Radical Islamic terrorism and oppression and the struggle to liberate Hindus and non-Muslims from the yoke of Islamic governance. Just like in the newspaper, you need to travel through the horror of Islamism to get from me to Trump.  However even that alone would not have brought me to support such a controversial candidate. It was the Hindu brand of political thinking that activated me, that made politics seem good and worthy of my time and energy.  Trump was introduced to me on the back page of the newspaper as the "BEST" hope, not THE hope.  As time went on, and we struggled to bind the Hindu cause and the Western cause, it became obvious that Trump was the BEST hope for this ambition, yet I did not come to this conclusion myself.  Every Hindu I knew and respected suggested Trump as the best course of action, he would ally with us against Islamic terrorism and make us an ally, our support for him would also gain us media attention and force the political establishment to recognize us.  And if Trump won, which he did, then we would have a name that would strike fear into the heart of our oppressors. Yes now the media in Bangladesh and Pakistan is worried about our protests, their leaders are threatening our organizers because they know "Hindus For Trump" has gravity, they know it is pulling the concerns of the West and Hindus together, they know this is an allegiance which cannot be undone, an allegiance between natural allies.  Yes of course I have my concerns about Trump and Pence, yes I can understand other people's concerns, however I see now for certain he is the BEST hope for a secure world and the BEST ally for the vitality of the Hindu cause. This here is how and why I supported Trump, and now I know to always look for the best course of actions, the one that will continue to propel our cause and religion forward into the future, a future where we are mighty and great, this has been my intention from the beginning.

P.S. - Hindus For Trump was specially invited to the Asian Pacific American Inaugural Galal and were provided with silver tickets to the inauguration itself!